Computerization of Library System (a Case Study of Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwanna)



This project is aimed at computerization of library system, the basic library circulation system of the AIFPU for the purpose of improving the efficiency of the library in carry out its service by way of better record keeping and faster information, extraction, reducing the amount of money at would be spent in manpower training while vastly improving the speed of carrying out this services .In this course of development of the new system, the present system was critically and analytically studies and assessed and the identified strength and weakness highlighted. The weakness are taken care of in the new system while some of the strength have been improved upon. The analysis of the present system was carried out using purpose, which is called the system software analysis and design methodology. The system can be mini computer instead of a microcomputer system so that more people can borrow books at these time The basic programming language is visual basic 6.o used to code the modular programs design method in other areas and program has the capacity to recognize that It is being run to accomplished the aim.

Keywords: computer, library, books, system catalogue, reference books, LAN, visual basic 6.0, chief librarian, Library card. 





         To many people, library is a mere structure of recorded knowledge. In most cases, it is a collection of books, magazines and newspaper. the encyclopedia America described the library as a collection of books and other form of records organized and interpreted to meet broad and varying needs of people  for information, knowledge recreation and enjoyment. A library is a room that containing books that can be looks at or borrowed by the members of the public’s or by members of the group or organization that owns the library.

     The Akanu Ibiam Federal polytechnic New Library was establishing on 2012, it is located at unwana village. The library is located at the left-hand-side of the school auditorium near the formal ICT. The library is open to all fully registered student of the Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic. Any student willing to borrow books from the library must register and must adhere to all the instruction guiding the library. All accredited department of the institution have a shelf containing related text and journals and books indifferent files which is restricted to library personnel only. The library is headed by Dr T .A Atama followed by others officers of library attendant. The library has acquired materials, donations and exchange.  


       The manual process used in the library circulation system is ineffective and create a lot of problems in terms of humans effort needed. Feil university library USA makes use of computer technology in their library system with less of no effort. Duplication is difficult to carryout due to the use of card catalogue which can easily be abused by the patron.

        Time for manual file retrieval is time consuming and tedious its maintenance cost is high and it also required high numbers of labor to carry out the process. The Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Library is face the problem of employing more labor as the library increase and payment of salary. The Liberian used the log book in listing the books and also space occupied by the furniture’s containing heaps of card catalogue and other materials can be reduced since the information can be stored in a single electronic device and such space will be used for important things 


       The objective of this study is to developed a computerized library system that will store the student records such as student basic information, records of books, list of borrowers and to overcome the improper problem of the record keeping of student information and overcome the pressure on the side of the staff


   To be specific, it attempted to satisfy the following objective

  1. To design a system that will less the time and effort of the student in their transaction.
  2. To quickly search the books needed by the student of library
  3. To print out report immediately.
  4. To implement the system efficiency to the student.
  5. To design a new system that will contains less or no problem in the reference section.
  6. To reduce time wastage


    This study was about computerized library system of Akanu ibiam

federal polytechnic. The implementation of the system will reduce the time and effort of the user in terms of adding, editing, searching, deleting and printing of the record. The system can also helps in reducing expenses of the library such as paper, folders, pens and order materials needed in currents system. The system is LAN-BASE local area network that enables the librarian to share the records of the student such as the borrowing books, returning books, search books and prescription of the librarian. The student personal information, data store upon the request of authorized librarian. The assigned librarian is the only one who can share any of the record, data of the student. The system is not capable of sharing its data from any other data base and it cannot accommodate unknowing member of the organization. The system will be developed using the Microsoft visual basic 6.0


      The information about which is obtain from observation and questionnaire from the staff of the library is true and valid. The management of Akanu Ibiam Federal polytechnic library is financially capable to establish this system. The library will be willing to change to new model.


COMPUTER: is an electronic data processing machine that is capable to accepting data process, retrieving and out putting of information store.

SOFTWARE: is the program that tells computer what to do.

DICTIONARY: is defined as an alphabetical list of words of a language of terms used in a particular subject area, their spelling meaning pronunciation and derivation example include the oxford English dictionary etc.

REFERNCE BOOK: books to be consulted but not to taken away.

CATALOGUE: is a detailed descriptions and location information for materials in a library collection.

LIBRARIAN: a person who is responsible for the care of a library and its content, including selection and processing of materials delivery of

HAND BOOK: information, instruction, loan services and more.

a reference book providing concise data and other information on specific subject.

PHOTOCOPYING SERVICES: this is made available to user who need to photocopy page library books or journals very urgently at minimal cost.

MEDIA: non-print materials such as films, films strips, video cassette, audio compact disk and audio cassettes.

LIBRARY: is a place that contains books that can be looked or borrowed by the members of the public or by member of the group or organization that own the library.

DUE DATE: Date on which materials must be returned to a library.

CIRCULATION DESK: this is where to check-out, return or renew library materials.

ENCYCLOPEDIA: reference book containing information on all subject on limited to a special field or subject.

LOAN PERIOD: amount of time library materials may be borrowed depending on the type of material borrowed and borrower status.

CALL NUMBER: unique location code that appears on the spine of a book or other item that tell you where it should found on the shelves.




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