Computerization of Post Primary Academic Record (Result Processing) a Case Study of Bishop Akinola International School



This project “computerization of post primary academic record (Result Processing). A case study of Bishop Akinola International School, Afikpo is aimed at introducing computer in Secondary Schools, for the computerization of post primary result processing; over the years, schools have experienced a lot of complications as a result of continuous increase in the number of students and the use of manual mechanical system in the result processing records within the short range of time given or available to them which ranges from the day of examination ends to the day of vacation. The Author was motivated to carry out eh project due to the extensive mathematical computation with the manual processing, anxiety associated in the delay in release of results, inconsistencies of information error as a result of wrong data entry and slow retrieval of information due to manual searching. So in order to develop a computerized model, the author employed interviewing method, examination of document and observation method in carrying it out (methodology).The Author used Visual Basic (V.B 6.0) to implement the project due to its availability, flexibility, flexibility, user friendli9ness and the level of knowledge which the author has. MS Access was used to design the database. The Author recommended that computerization of post primary academic will help secondary schools in quick and error free results processing and to meet the various needs of form masters in Bishop Akinola International School, Afikpo and also was a vital role to play in our society and national. 




A student result is the criteria for the measurement of the student’s capacity in terms of academic work in the school. It is also used to measure a student’s capacity in each course offered by the students. Without a result processing system, the aim for which results are produced may not be achieved as slightest mistakes made during the process might lead to a very big problem, which may reduce or eradicate the ability to grade a student from his school result.

          For this reason, an effective, efficient and error free result processing system should be designed and implement in our secondary schools for proper running of the school system.

          Computerized result processing simple means employing the use of computer in the processing of results of students.

          The computer itself is an electronic device or accurate electronic data manipulating system designed and organized to automatically accept and store input data, processes them and produce output results under the direction of instruction” Ezeano (2013) in his text management information system (MIS). It has been seen and noted that the system previously used in the processing of reliable, accurate and was very slow as it involves only human effort. This gives room for miscalculation and delay which often create doubt in the minds of the students.

          Therefore, this project is embarked upon to design and implement a computerized results processing system for secondary school using Bishop Akiola secondary school, Afikpo, as a case study to know the problems encountered and how these problems can be solved.

1.1     Background of Study

          Bishop Akinola International Nursery, primary and secondary school is located at the metropolitan city of Afikpo, Ebonyi state, Afikpo North local government to be precise. The school began as a journal of faith on the 12th of June 2010 under the leadership of His Lordship. Rt. Rev’d, Paul AmechiUdogu JP (Bishop of Afikpo Diocese).

          The school provides crèche, Nursery, Primary and Secondary Education, the school is named after the

Apostle of Evangelism in the Anglican Communion, His Grace, the most Rev’d Dr. Peter Jasper Akinola, as a memorial for his good work.

          The establishment of BISHOP AKINOLA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is a direct response to provide adequate opportunity, Academic and Christian training to every student to enable them excel in all areas of life tomorrow.

The procedure for processing of student’s result in Bishop Akiola School involves;

          Collection and marking of student examination answer script by the subject teacher,

Recording of each student score/grades by the subject teachers;

Submission of student record by the subject teacher to each class form master,

Computation of student result by the form master,submission of the computed result to the Dean and vice principle academic for verification.

          The form master fills the scores and grades of the student in the report card or slip.

This procedures involved the processing of their result made it very stressful for the form masters and subject teachers.

          Marking of answers script which may take weeks, recomputation of the result if mistake is found or made, sometimes if the computed result is to poor, the form teacher or subject teacher may be ask by the principal to add marks and recompute the result.

1.2     Statement Of The Problem

          Considering the increasing number of student in Bishop Akinola International School, the procedures involve in processing of student results are tedious with the manual system and with respect to the fact that students are so much to be processed within the period of short time.

Therefore the following are difficulties faced with the manual system.

          More staff than necessary are involved in the whole process, which lead to wastage of resources, since more hands has to be involved, more money will be spent.

          Due to increasing size and complexity of student’s records, time is consumed and energy exhausted thereby leading to delay of student’s examination results.

          The difficult in computing the files and stack of files

The difficulty in updating the previous information about the students with the new ones from time to time.

 The system is prone to mistakes which often creates doubt in the minds of the students.

          It makes the job cumbersome for the person or group of persons processing the results.

          Poor security of document, printed documents often get lost. At a point in time, some of these documents get eaten by termite and other insects. Sometimes some are taken away by intruders while others are easily misplaced by those in charge which chance for student to have access to the result sheet and thereby increase their scores.

1.3     Objective of the Study

          The aim of this project is to look at the difficulties imposed by the manual system of processing the examination result and to design a computerized system to solve such problems. Therefore, it targets the following objectives;

To give accurate and reliable information management decision making.

To provide protective measures for files stored in the system ant to give accurate and update information.

To relieve the heavy load involve in the existing manual method of processing result.

To reduce the length of time spend trying to process student results.

To eradicate the frustration students undergo when one student result is given to another or when one students result is given to another or when one students result is miscalculated due to manual error.

To also provide avenue for easy retrieved of stored information at any particular time needed.

          Therefore, all efforts in this research are geared towards the gathering of sufficient information that would help in making useful suggestion for alleviation of manual processing of results in secondary schools.

1.4     The Scope of the Study

          The project is limited to Bishop Akinola International School Afikpo, and personnel involved in the result processing, for computerization and processing of students academic result.

1.5     Limitation of the Study

          The limitation of the study was base one the following factors.

Financial Constraints: Bearing in mind the economic state of the nation, finance to obtain the resources materials and the high cost of transportation are factor limiting the study.

Lack of Materials: Materials like related books for literature review are very rare.

Some staff did not give much attention during the investigation because they thought that with the introduction of computer, thereby their jobs taken away from them.

1.6     The Significance of the Study

          The study is significance because it will go a long way in solving the person’s involved in the processing of the record and result. It will also enlighten us on the necessity of computerization by highlighting the advantages and benefits of the approach of the computer-based system over the manual approach.

If this new computerized method is applied, it will reduce the time usually wasted during compilation of student’s results in the manual system.

If this new computerized method is applied, it will reduce the time usually wasted during compilation of student’s results in the manual system.

The computer based system will give a more accurate and timely information at the time it is store to the information currently on the file.

And it will also serve as a guide for further research, it will also serve as a guide for further research, it will also serve as a reference guide to others who may limit the topic later.

1.7     Definition of Terms

ALGORITHM: This is finite sequence of steps, which the computer follows to provide solution to the problem for which it has been designed. Computer employs algorithm to enable the computer to solve problems.

AVERAGE: This is the total score divided by the number of subjects.

COMPUTER: Is an electronic device that can accept data as input, process, store it and give out information as an output.

It can also be define as an electronic machine that can store, organize and find information, do calculation and controls other machines.

COMPUTATION: This is the instruction that performs arithmetic operations such as Addition, subtraction, Division, and multiplication etc.

DATA: This is representation of facts or instruction in a formalized manner or automatic means.

DATABASE: This is a collection of stored operational data used by application of a computer base management information system.

ELECTRONIC: Computer is an electronic device because their manual internal components are made up of solid state electronic components called chips which require a certain amount of power from solar energy, batteries, power holding company or generator to activate them into operation.

FIELD: This is a finite sequence of adjournment bits organized to form a group.

GRADE: This is the alphabetical value scored by a student depending on the percentage in a particular subject in a term.

INPUT: These are data that are fed into the computer system which can come inform of programs or user responses.

OUTPUT: This is the feedback a computer provides after data processing. It does this through the output devices like monitor, printers, plotters, digital load speaker etc printer produced paper output called hard copy or print out.

RECORDS: A collection of related data item know as field, treated as a unit of record.

PROGRAM: This is set of instruction that a machine is capable of interpreting and also exciting.

PROCESSING: This is the manipulation or transformation a computer does on data. The processing is done in arithmetic logic unit (ALU) of the central processing unit (CPU)

SYSTEM: This is the collection of components which harmoniously work together to achieve a particular.



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