Pregnant Women in Ilorin Metropolis Towards Radio Messages on the Prevention of Malaria




This chapter summarises the findings of this study, which responds to the three research questions identified in chapter one, as well as recommendations which all come from the work of the project. The summary of the findings are derived from analysing the data gathered both quantitatively and qualitatively in chapter four. The findings form the basis for the recommendations made thereafter.

Summary of key findings.

Media messages have been used in Nigeria to promote the fight against malaria in an effort to impact on malaria prevention. Malaria risk and disease burden is inequitably distributed at both country and household level because of poor housing, lack of education and access to health services, creating a vicious cycle of enhanced vulnerability to malaria due to increased exposure, high household medical costs and reduced ability to pay for treatment. Decisions for prevention or treatment are made depending on the economic ability of the household, perceived susceptibility and assessment of consequences. Furthermore, malaria transmission is facilitated by environmental degradation, poor drainage and clearing of vegetation that accommodates the mosquito species (WHO, 2014).

As a first step, therefore, it is necessary to establish how much local people understand about malaria as a problem, establish their socio-economic background and create awareness that will encourage new malaria prevention behaviours.

Malaria control and health programmes broadcast in Ilorin metropolis.

It is clear that health programmes address various health issues in the society which include prevention of HIV/Aids, Cancer and Malaria. Health programmes and advertisements that specifically address malaria convey messages of prevention, treatment and control of malaria.

Impact of radio programmes on malaria control among pregnant women in ilorin metropolis.

It is clear that radio is a source of ideas and a cheap and convenient way of communicating any new ideas in the fight against malaria. This study has established that there is a close relationship between malaria attacks, its prevention and radio messages as indicated. Generally the government, Non-Governmental Organization and international agencies have made use of radio to reach grass root people as well as other citizens to inform them of the causes, effects, symptoms and preventive measures against malaria attacks as well as the communication of any new forms of treatment of malaria.


After a thorough analysis of the data which has determined the outcome of this study, it is worth concluding that radio still remains a strong medium of mass communication which impacts on people’s behaviour, attitudes, thoughts and perception and that there are health programmes broadcast on radio that are very effective, complementary and capable of making a great impact on the populace in the fight against malaria.

Radio stations and malaria control among pregnant women in ilorin metropolis.

It can be concluded that one of the key health issue addressed by radio is malaria control and prevention, which features in the radio programming. There are programmes that are about malaria control broadcast on these vernacular stations which include Siafuma and Witole. There are also advertisements that are campaigns against malaria such as “Tumia AL” and “Umbu Inje Sisi Ndani” sponsored by the Ministry of Health. The fact that discussion on malaria feature on radio stations as shown in the study shows that there is a lot of potential to be tapped in the use of radio in the course of combating malaria.

Health programmes addressing malaria and radio in Ilorin metropolis.

 It can concluded that The Ministry of Health together with several foundations have worked closely with the radio stations and specifically radio to convey a lot of information that regards to malaria control and prevention.

Impact of radio programmes on malaria control among pregnant women in ilorin metropolis.

 It is easy to conclude that radio has a big potential in broadcasting ideas that regard to the fight against malaria. Most listeners in the rural areas prefer to listen to radio giving room for community participation and therefore have a platform to impact on pregnant women’s behaviour, attitudes and beliefs in the fight against malaria. The study indicated changes in this area where the respondents have taken deliberate steps to fight the malaria scourge based partly on the information gotten from the radio messages.


After the results of this study which show that health programmes on radio have great impact in preventing and reducing malaria attacks generally and specifically to pregnant women of Ilorin metropolis, the study suggested successfully on how creation of awareness and the use of mass communication and mass media in general can be used to inform, educate and communicate health messages to people and help prevent the dangers of malaria in order to promote a healthy living. The study therefore recommends the following action plans.

Recommendations for future study.

 Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that further studies can still be carried out by scholars to explain how various forms of communication, interpersonal communication, traditional communication or folk media and other media of communication can be explored to combat the scourge of malaria in Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

Further studies can also be carried out by scholars to find out the best way to have community participation in the fight against malaria in Nigeria.

Recommendations for policy makers.

 Stakeholders in the Ministry of Health should be consistent in production and promotion of information regarding to malaria through radio. Sporadic crisis management style of malaria control does not work well. All individuals should be made aware of their own responsibility in the fight against malaria. It is an everyday effort and not a periodic one. It is everyone’s responsibility and not a one government commission.

Generally, radio messages have the potential of preventing and reducing malaria attack among pregnant women of Ilorin metropolis. More health programmes should be used by the government at all levels. All forms of language and dialects can be used to reach people coupled with the fact that it reaches the most area of the community.

The battle against malaria is continuous and may take more time especially in Africa and other developing countries. Therefore messages in form of jingles, special announcements, formal speeches from government officials and celebrities, drama discussions, poetry, songs etc. should continuously be aired on different radio stations to equip people more on various ways of preventing malaria.




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