Competitive Strategy And Organizational Performance In The Nigerian Banking Industry
abstract of Competitive Strategy And Organizational Performance In The Nigerian Banking Industry
Banks offer many vital services but must be seen to do so, by delivering efficient customer service. Service marketing is regarded as the pivotal force behind strategic planning and business operations, and, hence, as an intrinsic component of service organizational efforts.
This research project is thus a search part for physical evidence and marketing effectiveness of banks in Port Harcourt and the price and process of marketing effectiveness of banks in Port Harcourt.
Chapter one of the study lays a framework for subsequent chapters. Following the general introduction, the problem statement and the objective of the study which provided basis for the significance of the study and the hypothesis were stated. The limitations of this study were also highlighted.
In the literature review as contained in chapter two, works of various authors, international and local journals were reviewed to elicit views on service marketing mix and marketing effectiveness of banks.
Chapter three, research methodology, description of population and sampling procedure for data collection were discussed. Methods of questionnaire design, determination of sampling size and questionnaire distribution were also highlighted.
Chapter four was based on analysis of data collected. This chapter was sub-divided into data analysis, hypothesis testing and summary. Percentage table, figure and narration were carefully employed for proper understanding and testing of hypothesis.
Finally, chapter five was divided into summary of findings, recommendation and conclusion.