• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 61
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Conflict Management Strategies as Impetus for Effective Performance in an Organization


Conflict is a natural occurrence in most organizations that influences human relationships. As a result of the employees’ welfare, the presence of conflict has become a source of concern at Petsup Ltd Limbe. The study ascertains examine the Effectiveness of Different Conflict Management Strategies in organization, Investigate the relationship between conflict management strategies and employee satisfaction in organization and Investigate how conflict management strategies contribute to improved decision-making processes within organizations. The study is cross-sectional and uses a survey design. The study’s population consists of 176 Petsup Ltd Limbe. The study discovered that collaboration and avoidance strategies have a significant positive effect on the performance of Petsup Ltd Limbe, while a compromise strategy has a negative significant impact on the organization’s performance. The study concluded that there is no single best strategy for managing conflict because conflict management is dependent on the behavioral intentions of the parties involved, the time frame, and the situation in which the organization finds itself. As a result, it was recommended that Petsup Ltd Limbe management emphasize the adoption of collaboration and avoidance strategies in order to improve the organization’s performance. The findings will be used to improve operations and performance by investigating the most appropriate conflict resolution mechanisms. This information will be used by Petsup Ltd Limbes management, board, and key stakeholders to understand the best way to handle conflict while maintaining performance. The study recommended that recognize the impact of stress and work-related pressures on conflict occurrences. Organizations should prioritize employee well-being, fostering a work environment that supports a healthy work-life balance. This can contribute to reduced stress levels and, consequently, fewer conflicts.


Chapter one


Background of the study

Conflict management strategies play a crucial role in fostering effective performance within organizations. Conflict is inevitable in any workplace due to diverse backgrounds, opinions, and interests among employees. When handled effectively, conflicts can lead to positive outcomes, such as increased creativity, improved decision-making, and enhanced team dynamics.

Enhanced Communication: Effective conflict management encourages open and transparent communication among team members. When conflicts arise, addressing them through open dialogue allows individuals to express their concerns and perspectives. According to Rahim’s Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Conflict Management Modes, a study conducted by Rahim (2002), effective communication is vital for resolving conflicts and maintaining a positive work environment.

Conflict management strategies contribute to higher levels of employee satisfaction. When conflicts are resolved promptly and equitably, employees feel heard and valued. A study by De Dreu and Weingart (2003) highlighted in the Journal of Applied Psychology suggests that resolving conflicts positively is linked to increased job satisfaction and commitment.

Conflict management strategies, such as collaborative problem-solving and compromise, can lead to stronger team cohesion. A study by Jehn and Mannix (2001), published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, found that teams that effectively manage conflicts are more likely to collaborate and perform at higher levels.

Healthy conflict can stimulate creativity and innovation within an organization. According to Amason’s research (1996) published in the Academy of Management Journal, task-related conflicts, when managed constructively, can lead to increased innovation and problem-solving capabilities. An organization that effectively manages conflicts is likely to experience lower turnover and absenteeism rates. A study by Pelled, Eisenhardt, and Xin (1999) published in the Academy of Management Journal found that conflicts, when managed well, positively impact employee retention and reduce absenteeism.

Conflict management strategies contribute to better decision-making processes within organizations. The study by De Wit and Jehn (2010) in the Journal of Organizational Behavior emphasizes that constructive conflicts can lead to a more thorough exploration of alternatives, resulting in better-informed decisions.

Conflict management strategies serve as a catalyst for effective organizational performance. When conflicts are addressed constructively, organizations can harness the diverse perspectives and ideas of their employees, leading to increased communication, job satisfaction, team cohesion, innovation, and ultimately improved overall performance. It is crucial for organizations to invest in training and developing their employees in conflict resolution skills to create a positive and productive work environment.

Statement of the problem

Conflict is an inherent aspect of organizational dynamics, arising from diverse perspectives, goals, and interpersonal relationships among employees. The effective management of conflicts within an organization is crucial for maintaining a healthy work environment and promoting optimal performance. However, despite the recognized importance of conflict management strategies, there is a gap in our understanding of their specific influence on organizational effectiveness.

Many organizations grapple with unresolved conflicts, leading to negative consequences such as decreased employee satisfaction, impaired communication, and hindered collaborative efforts. The extent to which various conflict management strategies contribute to or hinder organizational performance remains unclear. Additionally, there is limited empirical evidence on the long-term impact of conflict resolution approaches on key organizational indicators such as employee retention, innovation, and decision-making processes.

Furthermore, the dynamic nature of modern workplaces, characterized by diverse teams and evolving structures, demands a nuanced understanding of conflict management strategies tailored to specific organizational contexts. The existing literature provides insights into the potential benefits of effective conflict resolution, but there is a need for comprehensive research that explores the multifaceted relationship between conflict management strategies and organizational performance.

This study seeks to address these gaps by systematically examining the various conflict management strategies employed in organizations, their outcomes, and the underlying factors that influence their effectiveness. By doing so, it aims to provide practical insights for organizations seeking to optimize their conflict resolution approaches and enhance overall performance.

Objective of the study

The primary objective of this research is to systematically investigate the impact of conflict management strategies on organizational performance. The study aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

  1. Examine the Effectiveness of Different Conflict Management Strategies in organization
  2. Investigate the relationship between conflict management strategies and employee satisfaction in organization.
  3. Investigate how conflict management strategies contribute to improved decision-making processes within organizations

Research Question

The following research questions are formulated

  1. what is the Effectiveness of Different Conflict Management Strategies in organization?
  2. what is the relationship between conflict management strategies and employee satisfaction in organization?
  3. Do conflict management strategies contribute to improved decision-making processes within organizations?

Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses are formulated

H1: There is no Effectiveness of Different Conflict Management Strategies in organization

H2: There is no relationship between conflict management strategies and employee satisfaction in organization

H3: conflict management strategies do not contribute to improved decision-making processes within organizations

Significance of the study

This research holds significant importance for various stakeholders, including organizations, human resource practitioners, researchers, and policymakers, due to the following reasons:

Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness: The study aims to provide insights into how different conflict management strategies impact organizational performance. By understanding the effectiveness of these strategies, organizations can implement evidence-based approaches to enhance team dynamics, communication, and overall effectiveness.

Improving Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Employee satisfaction is closely tied to the organizational climate, which, in turn, is influenced by how conflicts are managed. This research will shed light on the relationship between conflict management strategies and employee satisfaction, helping organizations create a positive work environment conducive to employee retention.

Fostering Collaborative Team Environments: Effective conflict resolution contributes to improved team cohesion and collaboration. Understanding the nuances of conflict management strategies will provide guidance on promoting healthy team dynamics, leading to increased collaboration, productivity, and innovation.

Promoting Innovation and Creativity: Innovation often thrives in environments where constructive conflicts are managed effectively. This study will explore the impact of conflict resolution approaches on fostering a culture of creativity, enabling organizations to leverage diverse perspectives for innovation and problem-solving.

Optimizing Decision-Making Processes: The study aims to investigate how conflict management strategies influence decision-making within organizations. Insights into this aspect will assist leaders in optimizing their decision-making processes by leveraging constructive conflicts to explore alternative perspectives and make more informed choices.

Reducing Turnover and Absenteeism: Understanding the relationship between conflict management strategies and turnover rates is crucial for organizations aiming to retain their talent. By addressing conflicts effectively, organizations can potentially reduce turnover and absenteeism, leading to increased stability and continuity.

Informing Human Resource Practices: Human resource professionals play a pivotal role in managing conflicts within organizations. The findings of this study will provide HR practitioners with evidence-based insights to develop and implement conflict resolution training programs and policies that align with organizational goals.

Contributing to Academic Knowledge: Researchers in the fields of organizational behavior, human resource management, and conflict resolution will benefit from the study’s contribution to academic knowledge. The findings can inspire further research and discussions on refining conflict management theories and practices.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers conflict management strategies as impact for effective performance in an organization. The study will be limited to Petsup Ltd Limbe.

Limitation of the study

While this research aims to provide valuable insights into the relationship between conflict management strategies and organizational performance, it is essential to acknowledge certain limitations that may affect the generalizability and scope of the findings:

  1. Subjectivity in Perceptions: The assessment of conflict management effectiveness and organizational performance relies on subjective perceptions of participants. Individual biases and varied interpretations of organizational dynamics could introduce subjectivity into the data collected.
  2. Limited Scope of Conflict Types: The study may focus on specific types of conflicts or certain organizational levels, potentially limiting the generalizability of the findings to a broader range of conflict scenarios or organizational structures.
  3. Potential Social Desirability Bias: Participants might provide responses that align with perceived social desirability, impacting the accuracy of self-reported data. This bias may arise if employees feel pressured to present conflict management practices or organizational performance in a more positive light.
  4. Resource Constraints: The extent and depth of the research may be influenced by resource constraints, including time, budget, and access to participants. These limitations could affect the comprehensiveness and depth of the study.
  5. Dynamic Nature of Organizations: Organizational dynamics are inherently dynamic, and the study may capture only a snapshot of the evolving nature of conflicts and their management. This limitation may affect the ability to draw conclusions about the long-term impact of conflict resolution strategies.

Definition of terms

  1. Conflict Management Strategies: Refers to the various approaches and techniques employed by individuals or organizations to handle conflicts and disputes effectively. These strategies may include collaborative problem-solving, compromise, avoidance, confrontation, and other methods aimed at resolving conflicts in a constructive manner.
  2. Organizational Performance: Encompasses the overall effectiveness, productivity, and achievement of goals within an organization. It includes various indicators such as financial success, employee satisfaction, teamwork, innovation, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
  3. Employee Satisfaction: Indicates the level of contentment and fulfillment that employees experience in their work environment. It encompasses factors such as job security, work-life balance, recognition, and the overall workplace atmosphere.
  4. Team Cohesion: Refers to the degree of unity, cooperation, and collaboration among members of a team or group within an organization. High team cohesion implies strong interpersonal relationships and a collective commitment to shared goals.
  5. Collaboration: In the organizational context, collaboration refers to the act of working together to achieve common goals. It involves open communication, shared decision-making, and a collective effort by individuals or teams to contribute to the success of the organization.
  6. Innovation: Signifies the process of introducing new ideas, products, services, or methods within an organization. It includes creative problem-solving, experimentation, and the implementation of novel approaches to enhance organizational performance.
  7. Decision-Making Processes: Encompasses the methods and procedures used by individuals or groups within an organization to make choices or reach conclusions. Effective decision-making processes involve thorough analysis, consideration of alternatives, and the incorporation of diverse perspectives.


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