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  • Pages: 59
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  • Chapters 1 to 5
  • With Abstract and References
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Influence of Examination Malpractice on National Productivity and Economy Among the Undergraduate Students; Implication for Counseling


This study was on the Influence of examination malpractice on national productivity and economy among undergraduate students. Implication for counseling. Three objectives were raised which included: Assessing the prevalence and forms of examination malpractice among undergraduate students in educational institutions, Examining the perceptions and attitudes of undergraduate students towards examination malpractice and its ethical implications and Investigate the impact of examination malpractice on academic integrity, educational quality, and workforce competency. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from University of Uyo. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


Chapter one


Background of the study

Examination malpractice is a pervasive issue in educational systems worldwide, with detrimental effects on various aspects of society, including national productivity and economy. This study examines the multifaceted impact of examination malpractice among undergraduate students and discusses the implications for counseling interventions.

Examination malpractice undermines the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills among students, essential for contributing to national productivity in various sectors (Amadi, 2018). Graduates tainted by examination malpractice may lack competence and integrity, leading to reduced productivity and effectiveness in the workforce (Kalu & Ezeani, 2019).  Malpractice hampers genuine intellectual pursuits, stifling innovation and research initiatives crucial for economic growth and development (Olaniyan & Okemakinde, 2008).

Malpractice produces graduates with compromised skills and knowledge, diminishing the human capital necessary for driving economic progress (Obaji & Uwameiye, 2020). A workforce perceived as incompetent due to malpractice diminishes investor confidence, impeding foreign direct investment and economic growth (Balogun, 2017).  Legal and Reputation Costs: Institutions and individuals implicated in malpractice face legal consequences and reputational damage, leading to financial losses and reduced economic viability (Braimoh, 2019).

Counseling interventions should emphasize ethical values and integrity, instilling a sense of responsibility and moral consciousness among students (Amadi, 2018). Addressing the root causes of malpractice, such as academic pressure and fear of failure, through counseling can promote healthier coping mechanisms and reduce the propensity for cheating (Kalu & Ezeani, 2019). Counseling services can guide students towards career paths aligned with their genuine interests and abilities, reducing the temptation to engage in malpractice to meet unrealistic academic expectations (Braimoh, 2019).

Examination malpractice exacts a significant toll on national productivity and economy by eroding academic standards, compromising workforce quality, and impeding innovation and research. Counseling interventions play a crucial role in mitigating these effects by promoting ethical education, stress management, and career guidance among undergraduate students.

Statement of the problem

Examination malpractice among undergraduate students poses a significant threat to national productivity and the economy, with far-reaching implications for individuals, educational institutions, and society as a whole. Despite concerted efforts to curb this phenomenon, the prevalence of examination malpractice persists, raising concerns about its detrimental effects on academic integrity, workforce quality, and economic development.

Examination malpractice undermines the integrity of academic assessments, compromising the credibility and validity of educational qualifications. Rampant cheating and dishonest behavior erode the value of academic credentials, leading to a decline in the quality of education and graduates’ competencies. This erosion of academic standards diminishes the reputation of educational institutions and erodes public trust in the education system.

The prevalence of examination malpractice among undergraduate students contributes to the production of graduates with inadequate skills and competencies for the workforce. Cheating undermines the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making skills essential for professional success. As a result, the workforce may be ill-prepared to meet the demands of the labor market, leading to reduced productivity and competitiveness in key sectors of the economy.

Examination malpractice hampers national productivity and economic growth by impeding the development of a skilled and innovative workforce. Inadequately qualified graduates may fail to meet industry standards, hampering technological advancements, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Moreover, the erosion of academic integrity diminishes investor confidence, hinders foreign investment, and undermines the country’s competitiveness in the global economy.

Addressing the influence of examination malpractice on national productivity and the economy requires proactive counseling and intervention strategies targeting undergraduate students. Counseling interventions can raise awareness about the ethical and moral implications of cheating, foster a culture of academic integrity, and promote positive study habits and coping mechanisms. Additionally, counseling services can provide support and guidance to students facing academic pressure, anxiety, and stress, reducing the likelihood of resorting to dishonest practices.

Objective of the study

The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of examination malpractice on national productivity and the economy among undergraduate students, with implications for counseling. Specifically, the study aims to:

  1. Assess the prevalence and forms of examination malpractice among undergraduate students in educational institutions.
  2. Examine the perceptions and attitudes of undergraduate students towards examination malpractice and its ethical implications.
  3. Investigate the impact of examination malpractice on academic integrity, educational quality, and workforce competency.

Research Hypotheses

H1: there are no prevalence and forms of examination malpractice among undergraduate students in educational institutions

H2: there are no perceptions and attitudes of undergraduate students towards examination malpractice and its ethical implications

Significance of the study

This study holds significant implications for educational policy and practice by shedding light on the pervasive issue of examination malpractice among undergraduate students. Findings from the study can inform the development of evidence-based interventions and policy measures aimed at promoting academic integrity, enhancing assessment practices, and safeguarding the credibility of educational qualifications.

By examining the influence of examination malpractice on academic integrity and educational quality, this study contributes to efforts to improve the preparation and competency of graduates entering the workforce. Insights gained from the study can inform strategies to enhance teaching and learning practices, foster critical thinking skills, and cultivate ethical behavior among undergraduate students, thereby promoting the development of a skilled and productive workforce. The study’s findings have significant implications for national productivity and economic growth by highlighting the economic consequences of examination malpractice. By elucidating the linkages between academic integrity, educational quality, and workforce competency, the study provides valuable insights into the factors shaping human capital development and competitiveness in the global economy.

The study has direct implications for counseling and student support services within educational institutions. By identifying counseling strategies and intervention approaches to address examination malpractice, the study can inform the design and implementation of proactive measures to support undergraduate students’ academic success, mental well-being, and ethical decision-making.

Through its focus on the ethical implications of examination malpractice, the study contributes to the promotion of ethical and moral development among undergraduate students. By raising awareness about the consequences of cheating behavior and fostering a culture of academic integrity, the study aims to instill values of honesty, integrity, and responsibility among students, which are essential for personal and professional success.

The study adds to the body of knowledge on examination malpractice and its impact on national productivity and the economy. By generating empirical evidence and advancing theoretical frameworks in this area, the study provides a foundation for future research and scholarship aimed at addressing the complex challenges associated with academic dishonesty and promoting ethical behavior in educational settings.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers Influence of examination malpractice on national productivity and economy among the undergraduate students. Implication for counseling. The study will be limited to selected students of University of Uyo

Limitation of the study

  1. Sampling Bias: The study’s findings may be subject to sampling bias due to the use of convenience sampling or limited access to certain populations. Participants recruited from specific educational institutions or geographic locations may not be representative of the broader undergraduate student population, potentially limiting the generalizability of the study’s findings.
  2. Self-Reported Data: The reliance on self-reported data, particularly regarding experiences of examination malpractice, may introduce response bias and social desirability bias. Participants may underreport or provide inaccurate information about their involvement in cheating behavior due to concerns about confidentiality or fear of repercussions, leading to potential misrepresentation of the prevalence and nature of examination malpractice

Definition of terms

  1. Examination Malpractice: Examination malpractice refers to any unethical or dishonest behavior exhibited by students before, during, or after examinations, with the intent to gain an unfair advantage or manipulate the assessment process. Examples of examination malpractice include cheating, plagiarism, collusion, fabrication of results, and unauthorized possession of examination materials.
  2. National Productivity: National productivity refers to the overall efficiency and output of goods and services produced within a country’s economy over a specific period. It encompasses factors such as labor productivity, technological innovation, resource utilization, and economic growth, which contribute to the nation’s competitiveness and standard of living.
  3. Economy: The economy refers to the system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a society or geographical region. It includes various sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, finance, and services, as well as factors influencing economic activity such as employment, inflation, and trade.
  4. Undergraduate Students: Undergraduate students are individuals enrolled in post-secondary education programs, typically pursuing bachelor’s degrees or equivalent qualifications. They represent the initial stage of tertiary education and may vary in age, academic background, and field of study.
  5. Counseling: Counseling refers to a professional helping relationship aimed at supporting individuals in addressing personal, social, emotional, and academic challenges, enhancing self-awareness, and facilitating personal growth and development. Counseling interventions may include assessment, psychoeducation, skill-building, supportive listening, and goal-setting, tailored to the needs of the individual client.
  6. Academic Integrity: Academic integrity refers to the ethical principles and values upheld within educational institutions, including honesty, fairness, responsibility, and respect for intellectual property. It encompasses behaviors such as honesty in academic work, proper citation and attribution of sources, and adherence to academic rules and regulations.
  7. Workforce Competency: Workforce competency refers to the knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors required for successful performance in a particular occupation or profession. It includes technical proficiency, problem-solving skills, communication skills, teamwork, adaptability, and ethical conduct, among other competencies relevant to the workplace.


  • Orhungur, M. (2003). Examination Malpractice; Implication for Schools and the Nigerian Society; A Conference Paper at the 27th Annual Conference of the Counselling Association of Nigeria (CASSON), University of Ibadan 18th to 22nd August.
  • Sofola, O. (2004). Dangers of Examination Malpractices. Life Magazine: Special Issues. Gbangado, Lagos Life Press.
  • Thisday (2004). Examination Malpractice: Zamfara Top lists Survey. Thursday September, 14.
  • Umar, U. T. (2003). The Proliferation of Examination Malpractices. Downloaded from www.gamji.com. On 19/12/2003.
  • Usman, J. O. (1999) How to Answer Biology Questions: Examination Malpractice. Makurdi: Living Faith Press.


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