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Retirement Anxiety on Social Adjustment and Counseling Needs Among Potential Retirees in Gwoza Education Zone



Theoretical Framework

Social Cognitive Theory

A crucial paradigm for comprehending retirement anxiety and the necessity for counselling among prospective retirees is a social cognitive theory (Olatomide, 2022). This theory explores how people and their social contexts interact in complex ways (Zakari, 2020). People who are getting close to retirement age, for example, could feel more stressed and unclear about their identities and future roles outside of the workforce (Adeoye & Legbara, 2019). We can examine how these seniors view retirement and evaluate their ability to deal with its obstacles by using the social cognitive viewpoint (Ogunshola, 2022). Furthermore, retirees’ adjustment trajectories and counselling needs are significantly shaped by societal influences (Akpochafo, 2021).

A crucial paradigm for comprehending retirement anxiety and the necessity for counselling among prospective retirees is a social cognitive theory (Olatomide, 2022). This theory explores how people and their social contexts interact in complex ways (Zakari, 2020). People who are getting close to retirement age, for example, could feel more stressed and unclear about their identities and future roles outside of the workforce (Adeoye & Legbara, 2019). We can examine how these seniors view retirement and evaluate their ability to deal with its obstacles by using the social cognitive viewpoint (Ogunshola, 2022). Furthermore, retirees’ adjustment trajectories and counselling needs are significantly shaped by societal influences (Akpochafo, 2021).

Additionally, the social cognitive framework clarifies how social modelling influences the actions and feelings of retirees (Ugwu & Idemudia, 2023). People going through comparable changes can gain confidence and coping mechanisms by watching peers or role models manage retirement effectively (Undiyaundeye, 2020). On the other hand, worry and uncertainty may rise due to negative modelling or a lack of happy retirement experiences among peers (Olatomide, 2020). Consequently, to improve retirees’ adjustment processes, counselling therapies based on social cognitive theory can include peer support mechanisms and positive role modelling (Osborne, 2022).

Furthermore, Nworgu (2020) notes that the theory’s focus on cognitive processes emphasises the significance of cognitive restructuring in treating retirement anxiety. According to Achigbe (2020), retirees frequently struggle with cognitive biases including pessimistic thinking about the drawbacks of retirement. Social cognitive theory-based cognitive-behavioural therapies can assist seniors in reframing their ideas about retirement, challenging these misconceptions, and creating useful coping mechanisms (Olatomide, 2020). Counsellors can equip seniors to approach retirement with resilience and optimism by addressing cognitive biases and maladaptive thought patterns (Schellenberg et al., 2005).

To put it briefly, Social Cognitive Theory offers a strong foundation for comprehending and treating potential retirees’ concerns about retirement and their need for counselling. Counsellors can design interventions to improve retirees’ adjustment and well-being throughout the retirement transition by looking at people’s perspectives, self-efficacy beliefs, social modelling influences, and cognitive processes.

Transition Theory

Understanding the complex process of moving into retirement requires a grasp of transition theory (Ugwu, 2020). This theory, which focuses on the dynamics of transitioning from one period of life to the next, offers insightful information on the opportunities and difficulties that come with approaching retirement (Nworgu, 2020). People go through several phases as they get closer to retirement, including planning, retirement itself, and adjusting to life after retirement (Achigbe, 2020). A road map for comprehending these phases and the distinct experiences people have along the route is provided by transition theory (Osborne, 2022).

Transition Theory’s capacity to guide counselling techniques catered to each person’s unique needs at various phases of the retirement transition is one of its main advantages (Orhunger, 2020). Counselling interventions, for example, can concentrate on pre-retirement planning and preparation, assisting people in setting reasonable expectations and goals for retirement (Petroska & Earl, 2019). Counselling can help in negotiating the practical and emotional adjustments related to leaving the workforce during the actual retirement phase (Oghogho & Nwankwo, 2022). Rebuilding one’s identity, discovering a purpose, and coming up with meaningful retirement activities are among the topics covered in post-retirement counselling (Inaja & Chima, 2020). Transition theory emphasises how crucial it is to identify and attend to these many demands as one approaches retirement (Lusardi & Mitchell, 2020).


  • Schellenberg, G., Turcotte, M., & Ram, B. (2005). Preparing for retirement. Canadian Social Trends, 78, 8-11.
  • Szinovacs, M. E. (2023). Contexts and pathways: Retirement as institution, process and experience. In G. A. Adams & T. A. Beehr (Eds.), Retirement: Reasons, Processes and Results (pp. 6-52). Springer.
  • Ugwu, C. J. (2020). The perception of female civil servants in Rivers State towards retirement. Unpublished M.Ed thesis, University of Port Harcourt.
  • Ugwu, L. E., & Idemudia, E. S. (2023). Retirement planning and financial anxiety among Nigerian civil servants: Insights from social comparison theory. Behavioural Science, 13(5), 425. https://doi.org/10.3390/bs13050425
  • Undiyaundeye, A. C. (2020). Predictors of planned retirement age: An application of Beer’s model. Psychology and Aging, 10, 76-83.


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