• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 51
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Role Of Public Relations in Enhancing the Corporate Image of The Nigerian Army


This study was on Role Of Public Relations In Enhancing Corporate Image Of The Nigerian Army. Three objectives were raised which included:  To assess the prevailing public perception of the Nigerian Army, to assess the adequacy and efficiency of the Nigerian Army’s existing communication strategies and to examine Media Representation and Its Impact on Public Opinion. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from selected staff of Nigeria school of Army, Zaria. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


 Chapter one


Background of the study

Public relations involves effective communication and information dissemination. Through strategic communication, the Nigerian Army can share positive news, achievements, and initiatives with the public. This helps in building a positive perception and countering negative narratives.

Trust is vital for any institution, including the military. Public relations activities can help build and maintain trust and credibility by fostering transparency, providing accurate information, and engaging with the public in an open and honest manner (Cutlip, Center, & Broom, 2006).

PR plays a crucial role in crisis management. In the event of controversies or crises, effective communication can help the Nigerian Army address issues, clarify misunderstandings, and maintain public confidence (Coombs, 2014). Engaging with the community is essential for a positive corporate image. Public relations efforts can involve community outreach programs, collaborations with local organizations, and participation in community events to demonstrate the Nigerian Army’s commitment to the well-being of the society it serves. Establishing positive relationships with the media is a key component of public relations. The Nigerian Army can work with the media to ensure accurate reporting, share important information, and contribute to positive narratives about its activities (Guth & Marsh, 2008). Internal communication is just as crucial as external communication. PR strategies can be employed to maintain positive relationships with soldiers and personnel within the Nigerian Army, ensuring they are well-informed and motivated (Wilcox et al., 2019). In the digital age, maintaining a positive online presence is essential. The Nigerian Army can leverage social media platforms and other online channels for effective communication, engagement, and reputation management (Breakenridge, 2012). Public relations can assist in rehabilitating the image of the Nigerian Army if it has faced negative perceptions or challenges. Through consistent positive communication and actions, the institution can work towards rebuilding a favorable image (Heath & Coombs, 2006).

Statement of the problem

The Nigerian Army, as a critical institution in the nation’s security framework, operates within a dynamic and often challenging socio-political environment. In recent times, there has been a growing recognition of the significance of public perception and image management for public institutions, including the military. However, the Nigerian Army faces several challenges related to public relations and corporate image, necessitating an in-depth exploration of the following issues:

The Nigerian Army has encountered instances of negative public perception, potentially stemming from various factors such as misinformation, lack of transparency, or misconceptions about its role and activities. Understanding the roots of this negative perception is crucial for effective image management.

There appears to be a gap in communication between the Nigerian Army and the public. The study will investigate potential shortcomings in the current communication strategies employed by the Army, analyzing how these gaps contribute to the formation of public opinions and attitudes.  Media plays a pivotal role in shaping public perceptions. The study will explore how the Nigerian Army is portrayed in the media and assess the impact of media representation on public opinion. This includes examining the prevalence of negative narratives and their consequences. The Nigerian Army faces challenges in crisis management and maintaining public trust during times of uncertainty or controversy. Understanding how the Army addresses crises and rebuilds public trust is essential for effective image enhancement. In the age of digital communication, social media platforms have become influential channels for information dissemination. The study will investigate the Nigerian Army’s engagement on social media, exploring how it navigates these platforms and the impact on its corporate image.

The relationship between the Nigerian Army and local communities is vital for overall public perception. The study will assess the effectiveness of the Army’s community engagement strategies, identifying areas for improvement and potential factors influencing community perceptions.

The global image of the Nigerian Army is critical for international collaborations and partnerships. The study will examine how the Army’s corporate image influences its interactions with foreign entities, exploring the implications for diplomatic and security relationships. The study will address the need to establish metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of public relations strategies employed by the Nigerian Army. This involves identifying key performance indicators and benchmarks to gauge the success of image enhancement efforts.

Objective of the study

  1. To assess the prevailing public perception of the Nigerian Army,
  2. To assess the adequacy and efficiency of the Nigerian Army’s existing communication strategies.
  3. To examine Media Representation and Its Impact on Public Opinion

Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses are formulated

H1: there is no prevailing public perception of the Nigerian Army

H2: there is no adequacy and efficiency of the Nigerian Army’s existing communication strategies

Significance of the study

The significance of this research extends to various stakeholders, contributing valuable insights and benefits to both the Nigerian Army and broader societal interests. The study is significant in the following ways:

Enhancing Institutional Effectiveness: Understanding the dynamics of public relations and corporate image is crucial for the Nigerian Army’s institutional effectiveness. By identifying strengths and weaknesses in current strategies, the study can inform adjustments that enhance the Army’s ability to communicate effectively with the public.

Improving Public Perception and Trust: A positive corporate image is vital for fostering public trust and confidence in the Nigerian Army. This study’s findings and recommendations can contribute to the development of strategies that improve public perception, addressing any negative sentiments and building stronger connections with diverse audiences.

Strengthening National Security Communication: Effective communication is essential in the realm of national security. The research can offer insights into how the Nigerian Army can communicate its activities and objectives more transparently, fostering a sense of security among citizens and contributing to overall national stability.

Guiding Crisis Communication Strategies: The study’s examination of crisis communication practices can provide the Nigerian Army with valuable guidance on how to navigate challenging situations effectively. Insights into crisis management can contribute to maintaining public trust during times of uncertainty.

Informing Strategic Decision-Making: The findings of the study can serve as a foundation for informed decision-making within the Nigerian Army. Strategic decisions related to public relations, communication, and community engagement can benefit from a thorough understanding of current perceptions and effective strategies.

Fostering Positive Community Relations: The assessment of community engagement practices can inform strategies that strengthen the relationship between the Nigerian Army and local communities. Positive community relations contribute to a supportive environment and a sense of collaboration in achieving common goals.

Contributing to Academic and Research Knowledge: The study adds to the body of knowledge in the fields of public relations, communication, and military studies. Academic institutions, scholars, and researchers can use the research as a reference for further investigations into the evolving dynamics of public perception in military contexts.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers Role Of Public Relations In Enhancing Corporate Image Of The Nigerian Army. The study will be limited to Nigeria army school, Zaria

Limitation of the study

While this research aims to provide valuable insights into the role of public relations in enhancing the corporate image of the Nigerian Army, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations that may impact the scope and generalizability of the findings:

  1. Time Constraints: Due to time constraints inherent in the research process, there may be limitations on the depth of data collection and analysis. Certain dynamic factors influencing public perception and image management may not be fully captured within the study timeframe.
  2. Resource Limitations: Resource constraints, including budgetary limitations and access to certain data sources, may impact the comprehensiveness of the study. This could affect the range of methods employed, sample size, and the ability to conduct extensive fieldwork.
  3. Access to Sensitive Information: The study may face limitations in accessing sensitive information related to military operations and security matters. The inability to access certain confidential or classified data may restrict the depth of analysis in specific areas.
  4. Sampling Bias: While efforts will be made to employ rigorous sampling techniques, there is a possibility of sampling bias. Certain groups or demographics may be overrepresented or underrepresented in the sample, affecting the generalizability of the findings.

Definition of terms

  1. Public Relations (PR): Public relations refers to the strategic communication efforts undertaken by an organization to build and maintain positive relationships with its various publics. In the context of this study, PR specifically pertains to the communication strategies employed by the Nigerian Army to manage its corporate image.
  2. Corporate Image: Corporate image is the overall perception and reputation of an organization in the eyes of the public. In the context of the Nigerian Army, corporate image encompasses how the institution is perceived by diverse stakeholders, including the general public, media, government, and international entities.
  3. Perception: Perception, in the context of this research, refers to the subjective interpretation and understanding of information by individuals. It involves how people comprehend and form opinions about the Nigerian Army based on various factors such as media representation, communication strategies, and personal experiences.
  4. Communication Strategies: Communication strategies encompass the planned and deliberate approaches employed by the Nigerian Army to convey information to the public. This includes methods such as press releases, official statements, social media engagement, and community outreach initiatives designed to shape public perception.
  5. Media Representation: Media representation refers to how the Nigerian Army is portrayed in various forms of media, including news outlets, television, radio, and online platforms. It encompasses the tone, framing, and content of media coverage that contributes to the public’s understanding of the institution.
  6. Crisis Communication: Crisis communication involves the communication strategies and actions taken by the Nigerian Army during times of crises or controversies. It includes efforts to manage information, address public concerns, and mitigate the impact of negative events on the institution’s image.
  7. Community Engagement: Community engagement involves the Nigerian Army’s interactions and collaborations with local communities. It includes outreach programs, partnership initiatives, and efforts to involve community members in decision-making processes, contributing to positive community relations.
  8. Social Media Dynamics: Social media dynamics refer to the interactions, trends, and conversations surrounding the Nigerian Army on various social media platforms. This includes the impact of social media on public perception, trends in engagement, and the effectiveness of the Army’s online communication strategies.
  9. International Relations: International relations, in the context of this study, pertain to the diplomatic and collaborative relationships that the Nigerian Army maintains with foreign entities. It encompasses how the corporate image of the Army influences its interactions on the global stage.


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