• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 65
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With abstract reference and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below



This research was carried out specifically to evaluate the effect of teachers’ motivation on the performance of secondary school students.

This research was carried at in three schools under Agbado, Ifo District of Ogun State to actually known the extent in which teacher’s motivation goes in affecting the performance of secondary school students.

Many motivational theorist, who propounded and experimented motivation theories stated that is the only techniques to make workers effective and efficiency whether on school setting or in an organization is motivation. Motivation is seen as an energizer that energizes workers in order to give their best in discharging this duties.

However, it can be concluded that teachers are not satisfied because they are not adequately motivated and their have brought doubts in the mind of many people as regards the dignity of the profession.

The basis for solving teachers problems is by improving their motivational structure in which will help to improve the performance of students in secondary schools.

Finally, if the government can motivate the teachers as recommended in this project, the teaching profession will be more attractive and teachers will be more dedicated to their job and this will eventually bring about excellent academic performance of secondary schools students.



The value of teachers in preparing human ‘being for a useful living is very high and as contained  in the national policy on education (1977) reviewed in 1981 that teachers help to equip” students to live effectively in a modem age of science and technology. This has made the growing complexity (in terms of enrolment explosion, resource mobilization and organization) of educational institution, and the increased societal demands for more result oriented schools have made the duties of the staff in the schools to be more critical in organizational behaviour. Therefore, here is a corresponding need for more pragmatic motivational designs that will enhance the job performance of staff in these schools.

The word motivation is derive from motive, which is an active form of desire, or need which must be satisfied. All motives are directed towards goals and the needs and desire affect or change our behaviour which is goal oriented. Effective job performance results from the interplay of three types of resource, namely physical, financial and human. However, physical and financial resources themselves do not result in productivity.

It happens only when the human component is introduced. The human component, even though most important, is most complex and unpredictable. Understanding human behaviour and affecting it positively can enhance productivity and improve performance. The level of performance of staff is a function of his ability and his motivation.

His  ability determines what he “can” do and his motivation what he “will” do. The ability can be measured and depends upon background, skills and training. Many factors have contributed to the falling standard of education; some of these factors are shortage of funds into the educational sector, lack of qualified teachers, inadequate educational facilities such as adequate highly ventilated classrooms, well equipped library, and adequate laboratory materials just to mention a few. All these factors have contributed to non-challant attitude ‘towards the profession.

These problems and most especially teacher’s motivation will be looked at so as to enhance and improve the supposed standards of education.


It is undisputable that a poor motivation of teachers at the secondary school level will in one way or the other constitute an obstacle to the general performance of student at that level. It is seen that teachers in secondary schools within Ifako-Ijaye local education district seem not to, have enough motivation from some aspects of their job. Individual, while at work look up for, some aspects of their jobs that are related to their value system. The focus of research is therefore to find out these aspects of teachers’ motivation value that the employer is yet to satisfy.

Tesar (l974) has observed that there is a strong relationship between job motivation and self­-esteem and other behavioural manifestations. If therefore, the needs of teachers in these institutions are left .uncared for, most of them might leave the job. Thus, the objectives of the new policy on education will be affected, the quality of education reduced which will eventually affect the development of the nation.


In the course of finding out the effects of teacher’s motivation on the performance of students in secondary school, the researcher aims at finding out whether if:

1.  There is an increase in the teachers’ motivation; teachers will be more dedicated to their work.

2.  Motivation could lead to an upliftment in the standard of education at secondary school level.

This project work will focus basically on the roles of teachers’ in spite of their relatively poor motivation and the effects it has on student’s performance which enable the researcher to make constructive suggestions aimed at improving the performances of students.


The study will be a significant contribution to the existing literature in the area. It will also show the needs for an increase in teachers motivation and other benefits where necessary to elevate the falling standard of education. It is also to encourage the undergraduates and graduates alike who have the intention of coming into the teaching profession not to feel withdrawn towards teaching as efforts are already on for an upward review of teachers’ motivation structure.


In an attempt to solve this problem, this research word will focus on these questions formulated below:


Would the motivation of teachers affect the academic performance of students in Ifako Ijaye  Education District?

Research Question Two

What are the attitudes of the public on the teaching profession?

Research Question Three

Can the motivation of teachers affect their level of dedication to work?

Research Question Four

Do teachers’ academic qualification influence the academic performance of schools?’


This research work shall be dependent on the pieces of information supplied by the teachers within the chosen samples of .the target population. Biases and prejudices of individual respondents are likely to affect their responses to the items on the questionnaire.

Also, there shall be limitations on the part of instruments used for data collection, all the sampled schools are located in Ifako-Ijaiye Education District, the result of the study is not expected to differ from studies that may be conducted in other parts of Lagos State.


For this study, the, limited number of school to be used is the extent to which generalization could be made about the result, this is due to the short time at the disposal of the researcher, that is to say coupled with the short time when the investigation was carried out alongside with the investigator academic studies. Conclusively, it is on the basis of this chapter that their entire subsequent chapter will be renewed and analyzed.


The scope of this study is limited to Ifako-Ijaiye schools management committee area of Lagos State, it is however suggested that further researches could be extended to other schools management committees in Lagos.


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