• Format: ms-word (doc)
  • Pages: 53
  • Chapter 1 to 5
  • With references and questionnaire
  • Preview abstract and chapter 1 below


Using Information and Communication Resources of Teaching Social Studies in Selected Senior High Schools in Amansie West District


This research work was carried out to examine the effects of Information Technology on the teaching and learning of Social Studies Students in Schools in Amansie West District. The research methodology utilizes descriptive statistics with simple numbers and percentages in the analysis and synthesizing of primary sources of data collected via questionnaire, as well as diverse literature on the area of study. Chi-square was used in the testing of hypothesis posited. However, this study revealed that; study has demonstrated that ICT can be used successfully to teach Social Studies, that ICT contribute to student’s academic performance and that Ministry of Education should embark on fostering innovative networking and partnership arrangements with the private sector such as the computer solution companies such as Microsoft Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Intel Corporation, Design Animation, Film Corporation and many others. This will enable schools acquire both hardware and software at cheaper costs. It is therefore, recommended that, Government and other stakeholders should mobilize resources for equipping schools with ICT infrastructure.




Background of the Study

The purpose of teaching is primarily to assist the learner acquire the type of knowledge and skill that will produce desirable change in him. This can be actualized if the teaching and learning process provides the enabling environment for the learner to think critically, analytically and consequently, be an agent of change. Generally, the educational system is subdivided into the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. In some cases, the pre-primary education is an integral part of the primary level.

The secondary level occupies a critical position in the educational system. According to the Federal Republic of Ghana, FRN (2004, p.18), “secondary education is the education children receive after primary education and before the tertiary stage”. The broad goals of secondary education therefore shall be to prepare the individual for useful living within the society and for higher education.

The role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the 21st century education system has been described as vital to keeping abreast with rapidly changing technologies. The introduction of information and communication technology into the Ghanaian educational system is very important as it will translate into huge potentials in terms of positive outcomes. Presently, investments into ICTs in Ghanaian’s educational system have not yielded much when compared to similar investments made in telecommunication (Atureta, 2011).

The field of education has certainly been affected by the penetrating importance of ICT worldwide. ICT has made impact on the quality and quantity of teaching, learning and research in the institutions using it (Kwacha, 2007). According to Ololube, Ubogu and Ossai (2007), the introduction of ICT usage, integration and diffusion has initiated a new age in educational methodologies, thus has radically changed traditional method of information delivery and usage patterns in the domain as well as offering contemporary learning experience for both instructors and learners. ICT has the potential to accelerate, enrich and deepen skills, motivate and engage students in learning, helps to relate school experiences to work places, helps to create economic viability for tomorrow’s workers, contribute to radical changes in school, strengthens teaching, and provides opportunities for connection between the school and the world (Davis & Tearle, 1999; Lemke & Coughlin, 1998; cited by Yusuf, 2005).

The rapid growth in Information Communication and Technologies (ICTs) have brought remarkable changes in the twenty-first century, as well as affected the demands of modern societies. ICT is becoming increasingly important in our daily lives and in our educational system. Therefore, there is a growing demand on educational institutions to use ICT to teach the skills and knowledge students need for the 21st century. Information and communication technology (ICT) has become, within a very short time, one of the basic building blocks of modern society. Many countries now regard understanding ICT and mastering the basic skills and concepts of ICT as part of the core of education, alongside reading, writing and numeracy.

Of all the subjects in the school curriculum and at secondary level in Ghana, Social Studies seems to be the most difficult subject to teach. Some of the reasons put forward are, the nature of the subject and the way it is being taught. It is believed that Social Studies is taught in a way that discourages open questions, inquiry and active participation. The effect of this is that the mind and imagination of students are closed. Adejuyigbe and Majasan (1970) said: the study of Social Studies from its inception was through verbal description of geographic features, which made the study very abstract and quite uninteresting. Adesida (1985) also revealed that the undue emphasis on theoretical aspect of Social Studies to the detriment of scientific and experiential approach had made the subject very abstract and also uninteresting. The resultant effect of all the above is that the subject no longer attracts young scholars due to the dull, uninspiring and stereotyped approach being adopted. Ajaegbuna (1969) criticized those who argued that Social Studies is a dull and difficult subject. He argued that Social Studies lessons are often very dull because there is too much chalk and talk and no enough pupils participation.

Statement of the Problem

    Many African countries envision being industrialized by the year 2030 and Ghana is no exception. However, looking at the way Social Studies is being taught in higher institutions especially School, the vision is in doubt because of the theoretical way of teaching bearing in mind that Social Studies is a practical and bridging subject, KIE (2006). The 2030 vision states that teachers are expected to possess high technical skills so that they can impact on learners if the nation is to be industrialized. Being a visual type of subject, this study puts emphasis on the integration of ICT for good teaching. The improvement in Social Studies performance in Schools in is very minimal. Therefore, it is the purpose of this study to examine the effects of Information Technology on the teaching and learning of Students in Social Studies class, and to challenge Social Studies Teachers to use a variety of instructional techniques and resources in order to achieve the desired goals.

 Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out the use of information and communication resources on academic performance of Students of Schools in Amansie West District. It also intend to:

  1. Identifying the role of ICT in geographical teaching and learning Social Studies in Amansie West District.
  2. Identifying the advantage and disadvantages of the use of ICT in teaching and learning Social Studies
  3. Discovering the main barriers of ICT application in curriculum development of learning of Social Studies in tertiary institution level of education.

 Research Question

The following research questions are put forward:

  1. Is there any effect teaching of Social Studies Using ICT has on the Performance of Students?
  2. What are the barriers to the use of ICT application in Curriculum development of learning of Social Studies in tertiary institution level of education?
  3. What are the advantage and disadvantages of the use of ICT in teaching and learning Social Studies?

 Research Hypothesis

HO1: There is no relationship between the Teaching of Social Studies using ICT and Academic Performance of Students.

HO2: The Teachers in Schools in Amansie West District does not adequately use ICT in teaching Students.

 Significance of Study

The study will be helpful in the field of education. It is important for students, parents, educators and policy makers and curriculum developers in understanding the use of information and communication resources teaching and learning student of Social Studies.

The findings and recommendations of this study are expected to provide a process or framework which should assist Government in making decisions on how to adopt and use ICT in schools. The planners and policy makers are expected to use the findings of this study as a base for revising the current ICT policy in order to overcome the challenges hindering smooth adoption and use of ICT in tertiary institutions in Lagos State and Ghana in general. Social Studies Teachers are expected to find the result of this study useful as it highlights challenges they face during adoption and use of ICT in schools. Further, findings of the study are expected to open areas for further study by other researchers and academicians, hence benefiting the whole community.

Conceptual Review

ICT in education refers to “Information and Communication Technology (ICT) such as computers, communications facilities and features that variously support teaching, learning and a range of activities in education” (QCA Schemes of work for ICT in Kent Country Council 2004).

Moreover, the term Information and Communication Technologies includes technology in which the computer plays a central role the internet and variety of generic computer application (Fitzpatrick and Davies, 2004).

The development of information technology, the internet, directs the history of education technology in the new groove. Online services in the education of both degree and non-degree are basically providing educational services to users using the internet as a medium. Online services can be composed of various stages of the process of educational programmes such as: registration, test entry, payment, learning, case assignments, case discussions, exams, assessments, discussions and announcements, and others.

Information and communication technology is defined as computer based tools used by people to work with the information and communication processing needs of an organization (Onasanya 2009). It encompasses the computer hardware and software, the network and several other devices (video, audio, photography camera e.t.c) that convert information images sound motion and so on into common digital form.

Information and communication technologies offer several opportunities in education First they can be used as a means of preparing the current generation of students for future work place that is providing tools for tomorrow practices this is underscored in the fore. It is strongly believed that the use of ICT in education can increase access to learning opportunities. It can help to enhance the quality of education with advanced teaching methods, improve learning outcomes and enable reform or better management of education systems. Yet, a recent “knowledge mapping” exercise conducted by the World Bank’s Information for Development Programme (InfoDev) (Trucano, 2005) revealed that, despite decades of large investments in Networked computers with internet connectivity can increase learner’s motivation as it combines the media richness and interactively of other ICTS with the opportunity to connect with real people to participate in real world events.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study is based on the use of information and communication resources on the performance of Social Studies Students (A Study of Schools in Amansie West District). The research work will be limited to the analysis based on the questionnaire administered, and the relevant text (literature). Other limitation of the study is:  inability of the researcher to cover the entire population of the study, money, time and distance.

Definition of Terms

  1. Effect: A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause
  2. ICT: Information and Communication Technology
  3. Teaching and learning: Evaluation of students’ expected performance on academic activities in the class.


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  • South Africa. Class of Education. (2004). White Paper on e-Education:     Transforming Learning and Teaching through Information and      Communication Technologies, Class of Education: Pretoria.
  • techterms.com (2014) Definition of IT. Available at:             http://www.techterms.com/definition/it
  • Telkom (2005).ICT. Retrieved October 10, 2005, from http://www.saix.net/cgi-
  • Van der Schee, J. A. (2003). New media will accelerate the renewal of Geographic             education. In Gerber, R. (Ed.) International Handbook on Geographical   Education, 205–213. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Waters, T. (2002). DVDs poised to become future teaching tool. Times Higher  Education Journal, 30(3), 1.


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