An Analysis of the Russian-Ukrainian War on the Relationship Between Russia and Its NATO Allies

Research on An Analysis of the Russian-Ukrainian War on the Relationship Between Russia and Its NATO Allies CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Since Ukraine's independence in 1991, tensions between the two countries (Ukraine and Russia) have been obvious (Orest,2009). Since then, Ukraine has remained one of Russia's most powerful satellite republics, influenced by Russian politicians, oligarchs, and corporations (Orest ,2009). After independence, the Ukrainian government exhibited a high level of corrupt practices hence, represented the interests of its citizens poorly (Ilko ,2018). The Orange Revolution in Kyiv (2004-2005) protested Russian meddling in Ukraine's constitutionally independent politics and signaled the country's determination to institutionalize democracy (Brian ,2020). Despite this, Ukrainian society...
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