The Role of Women in Peace Building – a Case Study of Borno State 2009-2011

The Role of Women in Peace Building - a Case Study of Borno State 2009-2011 ABSTRACT Women living in Borno State, Nigeria face a herculean challenge of overcoming direct and indirect violence. These include domestic violence, political instability, social inequality, and the threat of Boko Haram. Boko Haram is an extremist militant group that has been known to kidnap, rape, and torture women and young girls as means of terrorizing the Nigerian community. Women have also faced challenges within their own community as they are barred from participating in public activities, are under- represented in government, forced into early marriages, and are often victims of domestic violence. This study examines the role of women in peace building in Borno State, Nigeria. The study employed the descriptive survey research design in achieving the...
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