The Role of Infrastructure Development on the Alleviation of Poverty in Nigeria ( a Case Study of Umuahia, Abia State)

The Role of Infrastructure Development on the Alleviation of Poverty in Nigeria ( a Case Study of Umuahia, Abia State) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION   1.1 Back ground of study  Infrastructure, according to Idachaba (1985), consists of physical, social, and institutional capital infrastructures that assist residents in their production, distribution, and consumption activities while also improving the quality of life. There are three types of  infrastructure in Nigeria. Infrastructure refers to the physical, social, and institutional elements of a system. Transportation facilities (roads, footpaths, bridges), storage facilities, processing facilities, flood control, and water resource development facilities are all part of the rural physical infrastructure. Health care, education, and rural utilities are all part of the rural social...
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