The Functions Carried Out by Pos Retailers on Easy Access of Cash During Endsars Protest in Nigeria
The Functions Carried Out by Pos Retailers on Easy Access of Cash During Endsars Protest in Nigeria
1.1 Background of the Study
Financial institutions and telecommunications companies throughout the globe are confronting a new loop on the Information and Communication Technology convergence curve. The point of sale [POS] terminal of the future generation e-payment system has emerged as a promising new technology, according to Ugwuede (2020). According to CBN regulation on cash deposit and withdrawals, all companies that take cash for daily business transactions up to N0.5 million for individuals and up to N3 million for corporate clients must use a PoS terminal to avoid being charged 2% above the allowed free deposit limit. Supermarkets, hotels and restaurants, electronic stores, pharmacies, boutiques, hospitals,...