A Critical Survey Of The Perception Of University Students On Citizen Journalism Practice In Nigeria (Case Study Of University Of Ibadan)

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the study The internet has revolutionized and reshaped our society by altering current cultures and introducing new trends and practices to Nigeria. The advancement of internet and other new technology gadgets has resulted in a new path where individuals cover events and disseminate material simply and directly. Thus, the emergence of new media has brought the notion of citizen journalism, which is the act of allowing regular people to have an active role in the process of gathering, reporting, analyzing, and disseminating news and information to the public (Paulussen & Ugille, 2008). This offers journalism in which everyone is both the source and the receiver; both the encoder and the decoder at the same time (Salawu, 2011). It's no surprise that Bowman and Willis (2003) dubbed it...
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