A Critical Investigation Of The Impact Of Cybercrime On The Academic Achievement Of Undergraduates Students (A Case Study Of Uniben)

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Today's internet world has evolved into a parallel way of life. Things that were unthinkable only a few years ago are now possible for the general public. Because of mankind's rising need and reliance on these technologies, the internet is quickly becoming a way of life for millions of people. The internet has made website communication, email, and a lot of other things possible from anywhere, and it provides solutions for the betterment of humanity (Kamini, 2011). The internet provides limitless commercial, social, and educational opportunities. Jide (2007), on the other hand, has raised concerns about the unique risks posed by the internet, such as cybercrime. The internet has simplified business processes such as sorting, summarizing, coding, editing, customized and generic report...

A Critical Investigation Of The Negative Impact Of Cyber crime On Nigeria Educational Sector

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Crime appears to be an inextricable part of modern society. Despite social workers', law enforcement agencies', and personal and criminal justice professionals' best efforts, the world is becoming a more awful place. Youth involvement in horrible crimes including cybercrime, cultism, armed robbery, abduction, rape and sexual abuse, as well as other vices, is all too widespread and alarming. According to Okesola and Adeta (2013), cybercrime is defined as any criminal offense that includes the use of the internet or another computer network as a component of the crime. They went on to say that cyber crimes are crimes committed against a person or a group of individuals with the goal of willfully harming the victim's reputation or causing bodily or mental harm to the victim using contemporary...
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