Youtube As A Social Media Tool For Teaching And Learning In Tertiary Institutions In Nigeria (Case Study Of University Of Benin)




In recent years, the advent of Youtube has changed communication and facilitated teaching and learning activities. When educating students, social networking has integrated learning and has become one of the most important communication tools among young people; it is often applied to the technique of utilizing both online and in-person learning experiences. In a blended learning course, students may attend a regular classroom class given by a teacher while simultaneously independently completing online course components outside of the classroom. In this situation, in-class time might be substituted or augmented by online learning experiences, and students would learn about the same subjects online as they would in class, i.e., the online and in-person learning experiences would complement and parallel each other (Edglossary, 2016). The use of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) in teaching and learning has a favorable influence on SNS adoption and opens the door to new learning and teaching days. Youtube is a mobile application that enables people to connect with one another through a mobile device or a computer. For the following reasons, Youtube may be utilized for teaching and learning:

  1. Multiple platforms include cellphones (Android operating system), PCs, laptops, iPads, tablets, and the web.
  2. File formats supported: image, audio, video, pdf, excel, word, and PowerPoint.
  3. Transfer of large files
  4. Grouping features include: 250 members, access to old/past communications, and the ability for members to add members.
  5. More storage space and better management
  6. Improved memory system and administration
  7. Encryption provides better security.

Youtube is also available on the web and can be simply operated on a laptop, making it a useful tool for engaging students in new and flipped learning modes. Users (students) send all communications, both incoming and outgoing, and they may be shown on numerous platforms at the same time. Before the class meeting, as a way of transmitting material to students, and after the class lecture, Youtube may be utilized to perform a flipped learning mode.

According to Selamat (2015), Youtube may be used to tackle the following problems and can also be utilized for blended learning:

  1. Announcement 2. Forum, i.e. whole-class debate 3. Take quizzes 4. a free-form question 5. Report on the group project 6. Listening drills 7. Practise your pronounciation 8. Get some experience speaking. 9. Practice writing 10. Input/feedback in the form of audio 11. Input/feedback from video 12. Problem-solving skills 14. PowerPoint presentation 13. Content/materials sharing. According to Heba (2015), there are many benefits of using YouTube in 21st-century education:
  2. It has a high security feature, as it offers greater security than any other social media messaging software, and all communications exchanged are always encrypted for protection and privacy.
  3. It comes with an infinite amount of cloud storage.

YouTube is a student-centered asynchronous teaching tool that combines online learning materials to promote knowledge exchange across a network of individuals outside the limits of time and location. Asynchronous learning is a student-centered method that promotes peer-to-peer interactions. This strategy promotes learning by combining self-study with asynchronous interactions, and it may be applied in conventional on-campus education, distance education, and continuing education (Denysiuk, Plavutska & Fedak, 2018).


Youtube is a strong social media software that may be used for a variety of purposes other than teaching. It helps numerous businesses to promote and raise awareness about their goods and services while also receiving feedback from clients. The question of whether Youtube enhances or degrades a student’s academic performance is often articulated in wider problems associated with the platform’s general use such as privacy and safety concerns, its psychological effects, individual self-discipline and self- regulation concerns, and human adaptability concerns. Another significant issue impacted by the app’s use. People may use this tool for cooperation, networking, and creation, but they can also be utilized for less noble causes. As a result, this study looks at using YouTube as a social media tool for teaching and learning in Nigerian higher institutions.


The main aim of the research is to investigate YouTube as a social media tool for teaching and learning in tertiary Institution across Nigeria. With the following objectives:

1)        To evaluate if YouTube is an effective tool for teaching and learning in tertiary institutions.

2)        To examine if learning with YouTube increase the academic performance of student   in tertiary institutions across.

3)        To find out how social media can be used for teaching and learning in other to improve academic performance of student in tertiary institution.


The following questions have been prepared for this study

  1. Is YouTube an effective tool for teaching and learning in tertiary institutions?
  2. Does learning with YouTube increase the academic performance of student   in tertiary institutions across?
  3. How can social media can be used for teaching and learning in other to improve academic performance of student in tertiary institution?


H0: YouTube is not an effective tool for teaching and learning in tertiary institutions

H2:  learning with YouTube does not increase the academic performance of student   in tertiary institutions across.


This study examines YouTube as a social media tool for teaching and learning in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Hence it will be significant in the following ways

School management: this study will be significant to the management of University of Benin as they will make available internet connection in other for the smooth teaching and learning using the social media.

Academia; this study will be of benefit to the academic community as it will contribute to the existing literature on teaching and learning with social media.


This study will evaluate if YouTube is an effective tool for teaching and learning in tertiary institutions. The study will also examine if learning with YouTube increase the academic performance of student   in tertiary institutions across. Lastly, the study will find out how social media can be used for teaching and learning in other to improve academic performance of student in tertiary institution. Hence the study will be delimited to University of Benin.


 The researcher encountered various challenges during the research process. They included insufficient funds for stationery, transport and buying other important materials to facilitate the carrying of the study. Also shortage of time because the researcher still has to attend lecture while still carrying out the research.


Youtube : upload a video of (someone or something) to the video-sharing website.

Students: a person who is studying at a school or college.

Social media: websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

– Encrypted: convert (information or data) into a cipher or code, especially to prevent unauthorized access.

JPG:  is a file extension for a lossy graphics file

PDF:  a file format that provides an electronic image of text or text and graphics that looks like a printed document and can be viewed, printed, and electronically transmitted.

– Asynchronous: of or requiring a form of computer control timing protocol in which a specific operation begins upon receipt of an indication (signal) that the preceding operation has been completed.



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