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Human Kinetics Students’ Perception of Socio-cultural Factors Influencing Sports Participation Among Female Students in the Faculty of Education


In this study, our focus was to examine human kinetics students’ perception of socio-cultural factors influencing sports participation among female students in the faculty of education in University of Benin. The study specifically exploring these socio-cultural factors through the lens of Human Kinetics students’ perceptions, researchers and educators can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities for promoting sports participation among female students in the Faculty of Education. This insight can inform the development of targeted interventions and initiatives to enhance female students’ engagement in sports and physical activity within this academic setting.  The study adopted the survey research design and randomly enrolled participants in the study. A total of 120 responses were validated from the enrolled participants who where all respondents are selected students of faculty of education in University of Benin.




Background to the study

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of sports participation among university students, not only for physical well-being but also for holistic personal development. However, within the specific context of the Faculty of Education, a noticeable gap exists in the understanding of how socio-cultural factors influence female students’ engagement in sports activities.

Research in the broader field of sports sociology emphasizes the profound impact of socio-cultural elements on individuals’ decisions to participate in sports. These factors can include cultural norms, gender roles, societal expectations, and family influences. While numerous studies have explored sports participation in educational settings, there is a paucity of research dedicated to understanding the unique challenges and opportunities faced by female students in the Faculty of Education, particularly concerning the lens of human kinetics. Understanding socio-cultural factors is crucial for unraveling the complex interplay between cultural influences and sports engagement. This includes investigating how cultural norms and societal expectations may act as either barriers or facilitators to female students’ participation in sports within the Faculty of Education. particularly concerning the Department human kinetics. In the context of this study, sports participation refers to the active involvement of female students in a range of sports and physical activities within the academic setting of the Faculty of Education. This includes both organized sports programs and informal sports engagement in the University of Benin.

Gender stereotypes and cultural expectations encompass predefined societal norms and expectations related to gender roles and behavior. In this study, it involves exploring how established gender norms and cultural expectations influence the choices and opportunities available to female students in terms of sports participation within the Faculty of Education. Investigating gender stereotypes and cultural expectations is essential for understanding the potential barriers that female students may face in pursuing sports activities. This variable provides insights into the socio-cultural dynamics that might discourage or encourage female students to participate in sports. Also checking the availability and ease of use of sports facilities, the quality of coaching, and the existence of organized sports programs within the academic environment of the Faculty of Education for female students.

This study seeks to address this gap by delving into the perceptions of socio-cultural factors influencing sports participation among female students in the Faculty of Education. By examining these factors, we aim to contribute valuable insights that can inform policies, interventions, and educational strategies to enhance sports engagement and promote a healthier, more inclusive environment for female students.

In light of the pressing need to promote gender equality in various aspects of life, including sports, this research aims to contribute to a broader discourse on creating inclusive educational environments that empower female students to embrace the benefits of sports participation. By addressing these issues, we hope to pave the way for more equitable opportunities and experiences for female students in the Faculty of Education.

Statement of Problems

Despite the acknowledged benefits of sports participation, a notable disparity exists in the extent of engagement between male and female students in the Faculty of Education, with female students often being underrepresented in various sports activities. This underrepresentation raises concerns about the holistic development and well-being of female students within the educational context.

Several interconnected problems contribute to this observed disparity:

Prevailing gender stereotypes and cultural expectations often dictate traditional roles for women, which may not align with the perceived norms associated with sports participation. These stereotypes can create barriers, discouraging female students from actively engaging in sports activities.

Female students may face challenges related to the availability and accessibility of sports facilities, coaching, and organized sports programs. This limited access hampers their ability to explore and participate in various sports, hindering the development of a sports culture among female students.

Female students might experience social stigma or peer pressures that discourage their involvement in sports. Fear of judgment, body image concerns, or the desire to conform to societal expectations may act as deterrents, limiting their willingness to participate in sports-related activities.

The absence of visible female role models and successful athletes within the academic environment may contribute to a lack of inspiration for female students to pursue sports. The absence of relatable figures who have excelled both academically and athletically may influence perceptions of sports as incompatible with academic success.

The educational setting often prioritizes academic achievements over physical activities. This emphasis may inadvertently marginalize sports as secondary to academic pursuits, potentially leading to the neglect of sports engagement, particularly among female students.

This research seeks to address these interconnected problems by investigating the socio-cultural factors that influence the sports participation of female students in the Faculty of Education. Through a comprehensive understanding of these issues, the study aims to contribute actionable insights that can inform targeted interventions, policies, and educational strategies to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for female students to actively participate in sports.

Purpose of the Study

The overarching aim of this research is to investigate and comprehend the intricate dynamics of socio-cultural factors influencing sports participation among female students in the Faculty of Education, particularly those specializing in human kinetics. By gaining an understanding of these factors, the study aspires to contribute to the development of targeted strategies and interventions. The ultimate goal is to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment that encourages active sports engagement among female students within the educational context.

This aim is grounded in the recognition that, despite the acknowledged benefits of sports participation, there exists a noticeable underrepresentation and disparity in engagement between male and female students in the Faculty of Education. Through an in-depth exploration of socio-cultural influences, the research aims to pave the way for a more equitable and empowering experience for female students in the realm of sports.

  1. To identify and analyze the socio-cultural factors perceived by female students as influencing their participation in sports activities.
  2. To examine the impact of gender stereotypes and cultural expectations on the sports engagement of female students within the Faculty of Education.
  3. To assess the accessibility and availability of sports facilities, coaching, and organized sports programs for female students and its influence on their sports participation.
  4. To investigate the role of social stigma and peer pressures in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of female students towards sports involvement.

Research Questions

The research questions for this study are designed to systematically explore the perception of socio-cultural factors influencing sports participation among female students in the Faculty of Education, with a specific focus on human kinetics. These questions aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted aspects that contribute to the observed disparities in sports engagement.

  1. What are the perceived socio-cultural factors influencing sports participation among female students in the Faculty of Education?
  2. How do gender stereotypes and cultural expectations impact the sports engagement of female students within the Faculty of Education?
  3. To what extent do the accessibility and availability of sports facilities, coaching, and organized sports programs influence the sports participation of female students in the Faculty of Education?
  4. What role do social stigma and peer pressures play in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of female students towards sports involvement within the academic environment?

Research Hypotheses

Null Hypothesis 1 (H0): There is no significant correlation between socio-cultural factors and sports participation among female students in the Faculty of Education.

Null Hypothesis 2 (H0): Gender stereotypes and cultural expectations do not have a significant impact on the sports engagement of female students within the Faculty of Education.

Null Hypothesis 3 (H0): The accessibility and availability of sports facilities, coaching, and organized sports programs do not significantly influence the sports participation of female students in the Faculty of Education.

Null Hypothesis 4 (H0): Social stigma and peer pressures do not play a significant role in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of female students towards sports involvement within the academic environment.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study extends beyond the confines of academia. It holds potential implications for educators, policymakers, and health practitioners, providing a foundation for designing targeted interventions that can overcome socio-cultural barriers and encourage female students’ active participation in sports.

This study holds significant importance within the academic realm by contributing to the existing body of knowledge in sports sociology and education. By specifically focusing on the socio-cultural factors influencing sports participation among female students in the Faculty of Education, it addresses a notable gap in the literature. The findings will enrich academic discussions on gender dynamics, cultural influences, and sports engagement within the educational context.

The research outcomes are poised to offer valuable insights that can inform the development of educational policies and practices. Understanding the specific challenges and opportunities faced by female students in the Faculty of Education in relation to sports participation allows for the formulation of targeted strategies. Policymakers and educators can use this information to create an environment that not only promotes academic excellence but also encourages holistic personal development through sports.

The study addresses the broader societal goal of fostering gender equity in sports. By uncovering and understanding the socio-cultural factors that may contribute to the underrepresentation of female students in sports activities, the research provides a foundation for advocating for more inclusive practices. This can lead to the creation of environments that empower female students to overcome barriers and actively engage in sports, promoting a more equitable landscape within the educational setting.

Engaging in sports has well-documented benefits for physical and mental well-being. By exploring the factors influencing sports participation, the study has the potential to contribute to the promotion of healthier lifestyles among female students. The findings may be utilized to design interventions that not only encourage sports engagement but also address specific barriers, ensuring a more holistic approach to student well-being.

This study lays the groundwork for future research endeavors in the field. The understanding of socio-cultural influences on sports participation among female students opens avenues for further exploration. Researchers can build upon these findings to investigate specific dimensions, test interventions, or explore the long-term impact of sports engagement on academic and personal development.

At its core, this research seeks to empower female students within the Faculty of Education. By identifying and addressing barriers to sports participation, the study aims to contribute to creating an environment where female students feel supported, encouraged, and empowered to pursue their interests in sports. This empowerment extends beyond the academic setting, potentially influencing lifelong attitudes towards physical activity and self-confidence.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will focus specifically on the female students enrolled in the Faculty of Education within University of Benin. The geographical scope is limited to this specific institution to provide a focused and in-depth analysis of the socio-cultural factors influencing sports participation.

The research will center on students specializing in human kinetics within the Faculty of Education. This specific focus allows for a more targeted exploration of the intersection between socio-cultural factors and sports engagement within the context of human kinetics education.

The study will examine a range of socio-cultural factors, including but not limited to cultural norms, gender expectations, social stigma, peer pressures, and the representation of female role models. While these factors provide a comprehensive framework, the study acknowledges the complexity of socio-cultural dynamics and may not encompass all possible influences.

The research will encompass various sports activities available within the academic setting. This includes both organized and informal sports engagements. The study will explore a diverse range of activities to capture the breadth of experiences and perceptions among female students.

The research will utilize a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative methods, such as interviews and focus group discussions, will provide depth and context to the experiences of female students. Quantitative methods, such as surveys, will facilitate the analysis of broader trends and patterns.

The scope of the study is designed to provide a robust foundation for developing recommendations and interventions. The research aims to offer practical insights that can inform policies and practices within this specific institution. However, the applicability of these recommendations to other contexts should be considered with an awareness of potential variations in socio-cultural dynamics.

Limitations of the Study

One of the primary limitations of this study is the constraint on sample size. The research will focus on a specific group of female students in the Faculty of Education in the University of Benin. The findings may not be entirely generalizable to other institutions or diverse educational settings. It’s important to recognize that the socio-cultural context and institutional characteristics may vary, influencing the transferability of the results.

The availability of resources, both human and financial, may affect the extent to which various aspects of socio-cultural influences can be explored. The study aims to leverage available resources optimally, but certain dimensions of the research may be limited due to constraints in funding, staffing, or technology.

The qualitative nature of some aspects of the study, such as interviews and focus group discussions, introduces a degree of subjectivity. While qualitative methods provide valuable insights into individual experiences, interpretations may vary. Steps will be taken to mitigate subjectivity through rigorous data analysis and triangulation of findings, but some level of interpretation is inherent in qualitative research.

Participants may be influenced by social desirability bias, particularly in self-reported data. This bias may lead participants to respond in ways they perceive as socially acceptable rather than expressing their true feelings or experiences. Measures, such as ensuring anonymity and confidentiality, will be implemented to mitigate this bias, but it remains a recognized limitation.



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  •  Hankivsky, O., & Cormier, R. (2009). Intersectionality: Moving women’s health research and policy forward. Vancouver, BC: Women’s Health Research Network.


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