Impact of Covid-19 on the Academic Achievement of Students in Tertiary Institution

Impact of Covid-19 on the Academic Achievement of Students in Tertiary Institution CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Corona viruses are a family of viruses that cause symptoms ranging from the common cold to more serious disorders such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) (MERS). Originally, these viruses were passed from animals to humans. SARS, for example, was spread to people by civet cats, whereas MERS was spread to humans by a camel. Several corona viruses that have not yet infected people are circulating in animals. Corona virus gets its name from the Latin word corona, which means crown or halo. The seems to be encircled by a solar corona under an electron microscope. The novel coronavirus, found by Chinese officials on...

The Availability and Utilization of School Library Resources and Academic Achievement of Students in the University of Ilorin

The Availability and Utilization of School Library Resources and Academic Achievement of Students in the University of Ilorin CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Any person who want to get a decent and quality education must have access to informational resources that will enable them to broaden their horizons, build knowledge, and improve their academic performance by studying the works of academics in their particular areas of study. Unegbu - (2012). These materials are not only sourced by these individuals, especially when they are enrolled as students in schools, because it is part of the school management's obligation to provide them with these educational materials, thereby necessitating the availability of library resources in schools for teaching, learning, and research. The school library is an important part of the...
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